Intonation englisch
Axel Schoenlein / Heinz Bethmann
Intonation englisch
CFS 4655
Clean intonation of pitch is one of the biggest and most important challenges on the double bass. It is therefore imperative to immerse oneself in the close study of intonation.
Intonation can be signi cantly improved by acquiring knowledge of certain basic principles which are pooled in this collection of selected pieces and studies.
In addition to examples of studies and pieces, piano accompaniment and downloadable playalongs are included in this edition.
Double bass part notated in “Simandl” and “Franke” system
The first stave shows the fingerings and positions according to the “Simandl- System”; the one below the “Franke-System” equivalents.
Piano accompaniments
Included pieces and studies are practical examples of the method taught in this tutor. Piano accompaniments are included.
Downloadable play-alongs are included with this edition.
Available also in:
german CFS 4650
spain CFS 4660